1. Two generous handfuls of red chilli
2. Five large frogs
3. Two generous handfuls of mushrooms
Prepare chilli:
1. Throw all the chillis in a mortar and pestle until they are pesto.Prepare frogs:
1. Behead, skin and gut each animal
2. Soak carcasses for 15 minutes
3. Hack carcasses into bite-sized pieces
Cooking instructions:
1. Get a wok hot
2. Place 1/4 cup of vegetable oil in wok
3. Throw in frog bits, and cook for 3-5 minutes
4. Throw in chilli, and cook for 3 minutes more
5. Add fish sauce to taste
6. Throw in mushrooms, and stir.
Serve, with anything...or, nothing!
Na's Dad demonstrates how to butcher a frog: