For example, i-Ron Man Sam (aka Ironman3) has just opened, and is offered at our local 9-theatre complex in the following formats:
- 2D, standard audio, Thai dub
- 2D digital audio, English, Thai sub
- 3D, standard audio, Thai dub
- 3D, digital audio, English, Thai sub
A quick visit to the snack bar (biggest popcorn, biggest pepsi with i-Ron Man Sam action figure cap, cup of hot-dogs)...nearly as costly as the price of the tickets...and we are good to go.
3D glasses are better these days than the heavy, tunnel-vision inducing models of only 12 months ago.
What about the movie? Might be the best of the 3-movie franchise, with impressively done explosions and general mayhem, and more giggle-inducing one-liners than the previous two, but it would be almost totally forgettable but for the performances of the two major baddies:
- Guy Pearce began with a lovely little cameo at the start (reminiscent of the kid who wanted to be Mr Incredible's side-kick, but was callously rejected) and then turned into world domination obsessed Bad Guy numero uno (Mr Incredible, again!).
- Ben Kingsley also had a fine double part...beginning as the bigger, badder bro of Osama Bin Laden, before being outed (in a funny scene with his two dumb-blonde brunette bed-partners) as a little, meek bit-part actor with a cockney accent and sleep-apnea and who was moderately successful in regional stage productions in a past life.
It was enjoyable!